Using Protobuf With negotiator
Among the many ways to transmit representations, Google’s
Protobuf (short for “protocol buffer”) has gained traction.
With Protobuf, your representations (referred to as “messages” in the Protobuf
documentation) are defined in .proto
files. Using the Protobuf compiler, the
definitions in the .proto
files are then generated in your language(s) of
For a quick tutorial on using Protobuf with Go, check out this tutorial.
So can we use Protobuf with negotiator
? You bet! Let’s walk through it.
Create your .proto
First things first - let’s create our .proto
file containing the
definitions of the Protobuf messages. Suppose we have
an account
resource for our API with this definition:
// you need to use Protobuf version 3 in order to support Go.
syntax = "proto3";
// the package for our Protobuf messages.
package tutor;
// import other message definitions, such as for timestamps.
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
// the full import path of the Go package that contains the generated code.
option go_package = "";
message Account {
string UUID = 1;
string username = 2;
string givenName = 3;
string surname = 4;
google.protobuf.Timestamp createdAt = 5;
google.protobuf.Timestamp updatedAt = 6;
google.protobuf.Timestamp deletedAt = 7;
Generate your Go types
Once you have downloaded the Protobuf compiler, we need to install the Go protobuf plugin:
go install
Next, we need to invoke the compiler to generate the corresponding Go types that represent our messages. Based on our project structure, we invoked the compiler like this:
protoc --proto_path=$PROJ_DIR --go_opt=paths=source_relative --go_out=$PROJ_DIR $PROJ_DIR/api/representations/protobuf/gen/tutor.proto
is the directory for our project. The --proto_path
specifies a directory in which to search for imports. The --go_opt=paths=source_relative
option allows us to place our generated source code in the same directory as
our .proto
file. --go_out
specifies the base directory in which to place
the generated source code. Finally, the final piece of the command is an
argument specifying the path the .proto
For more details, head over to the official documentation on how to use the
compiler for Go.
Create your representations
Now that we have generated our Protobuf messages, we need to define our representations.
We do this by creating a Go type that implements
, and embeds our Protobuf
generated type as well as representation.Base
package protobuf
import (
// The media types representing Protobuf content.
const (
mediaTypeProtobuf = "application/protobuf"
mediaTypeXProtobuf = "application/x-protobuf"
// Account represents the Protobuf representation for an account resource.
type Account struct {
gen.Account // the generated Protobuf type.
// NewAccount constructs a new account representation.
func NewAccount(a domain.Account) Account {
// define a customer marshaller.
marshaller := func(in interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
message, ok := in.(proto.Message)
if !ok {
return []byte{}, errors.New("must provide Protobuf message to marshal successfully")
return proto.Marshal(message)
// define a custom unmarshaller.
unmarshaller := func(b []byte, out interface{}) error {
message, ok := out.(proto.Message)
if !ok {
return errors.New("must provide Protobuf message to unmarshal successfully")
return proto.Unmarshal(b, message)
// set the state of the representation based on the provided entity.
acc := Account{}
acc.UUID = a.UUID().String()
acc.GivenName = a.GivenName()
acc.Surname = a.Surname()
acc.Username = a.Username()
c := timestamppb.Timestamp{Seconds: a.CreatedAt().Unix()}
acc.CreatedAt = &c
u := timestamppb.Timestamp{Seconds: a.UpdatedAt().Unix()}
acc.UpdatedAt = &u
var d *timestamppb.Timestamp
if a.DeletedAt() != nil {
d = ×tamppb.Timestamp{Seconds: a.DeletedAt().Unix()}
acc.DeletedAt = d
// set representation metadata.
// set the custom marshaller.
mediaTypeProtobuf: marshaller,
mediaTypeXProtobuf: marshaller,
// set the custom unmarshaller.
mediaTypeProtobuf: unmarshaller,
mediaTypeXProtobuf: unmarshaller,
return acc
// Bytes serializes the representation.
func (a Account) Bytes() ([]byte, error) {
return a.Base.Bytes(&a)
// FromBytes deserializes the representation.
func (a *Account) FromBytes(b []byte) error {
return a.Base.FromBytes(b, a)
That’s it! With our HTTP handler below, we now have everything we need to negotiate using Protobuf:
func (ar *AccountResource) Get(w http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
// retrieve the account uuid.
vars := mux.Vars(request)
uuid, err := u.FromString(vars["uuid"])
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), 400)
// retrieve the account.
account, err := ar.accountService.Get(uuid)
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), 500)
jacc := j.NewAccount(account)
gjacc := j.NewAccount(account)
yacc := y.NewAccount(account)
xacc := x.NewAccount(account)
pacc := p.NewAccount(account)
representations := []representation.Representation{jacc, yacc, xacc, gjacc, pacc}
// negotiate.
ctx := negotiator.NegotiationContext{Request: request, ResponseWriter: w}
if err = proactive.Default.Negotiate(ctx, representations...); err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), 500)
Finished code
Much of the code in this post was lifted from tutor
, our sample RESTful API
demonstrating example use of the freerware
product suite.